Jan 25th 3pm

2019 was a good reading year for me. I started listening to audiobooks during my longer commutes, and that got me through a lot more books than in previous years. In total I read 33 books in 2019. I think 15 of those were audiobooks and the rest were on my Kindle. Here are a few of my favorites of the year…

The Power This book was very uncomfortable to read. I’ll admit, I’ve never thought much about how much the idea of male physical dominance of females influences our society. This book imagines a world where suddenly that is flipped on it’s head.

Where the Crawdad Sings Beautiful writing that was made even better by a great audio book reader. I know it was one of the hot books for 2019 and that reputation was totally justified.

Ready Player One Just a fun time. I think the book was better than the movie. The explanation of pop culture got a bit old, but having Wil Wheaton reading it really elevated it.

The Hate U Give Cried multiple times reading this one. Sometimes you just need a good read that puts you in someone else’s shoes.

Circe Madeline Miller is becoming one of my favorite authors. Right alongside Megan Abbot she’s one of my favorite discoveries of the past few years.

The Moment of Lift Another book that frequently had me in tears. Melinda Gates does a great job explaining what amazing things can happen when you empower women.